Bill imitates his whale-flail laugh.
Too stupid to make a tumblr page for this. His HTML is far too dated. Welcome to his homepage.
Bill was born in late 1988, making him 23 in 2011. As of that time, he will have been the author of 7 ebooks, and two unsuccessful blogs. He's debated selling his soul as a ghostwriter.
Bill shows you some acting skills.
Bill completed high school, for some reason. He never pursued college -- various reasons, as usual. His particular verbal flair dazzles and agonizes people everywhere. He thinks of himself as an eloquent hick; he comes from a strong hick background -- he was born to a hairdresser, and a trucker, in that before-mentioned 1988. Since it was the 80s, his given middle name was Marie; you know, like any other biologically female North American born between 1980-1999. His female name initials -- for serious -- stand for Kenworth, the trucking company; his sister's initials are also KW, adding to the legitimacy of his father's respect for Kenworth; by 2000, he liked Peterbilts better.
Bill -- for serious -- grew up in a trailer court, and remained there until he was verging on 16. He's moved every 2-5 years, ever since; he longs for the community atmospere of the 'court, but lacks the finances to return to his homeground. Hell; that trailer got ripped out. "You can never go home again," fo-sho.
Bill's forms of art tend to cycle. He has too many hobbies, and not enough attention span to master them all. Writing being the staple art of choice, he has developed a better sense of it. His artwork is wholly the product of laziness. He was too lazy to color as a child, so, now his color sense is obscenely bright and happy. He was too lazy to draw hands/feet/heads, and launched in to his notorious 'torso phase'.
Now that Bill is honest about finding his inner hick, you're bound to find all sorts of gems in his patter.
Enjoy, motherfuckers!
And the kicker: footage of the real whale-flaill in action.