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Saturday, 26 March 2011

Willy's Baller Résumé

William F. Whaley

Kamloops, BC | gmail: trysarahtopps | Twitter | 1988

- Writes extra-short fiction
- Terms his work, "Extreme General Fiction"
- Favorably compares his work as, "What you'd get if Richard Bachman and Chuck Palahniuk raped Kevin Smith"
- Sticks mostly to gen-fic, but occasionally wanders
- Is the only person he knows to have written a cunning quatrain-styled poem about a pedophile, let alone an entire website of Van Damme odes
- Sometimes writes songs just as weird as his real work
- Is probably one of the least successful owners of a personal fanpage on FB

- Has been writing stories since the 1st grade
- Was published twice, in 1999, and 2000, in an elementary school anthology
- Has never been commercially published
- Has posted 5 prose ebooks/3 poetry ebook since 2009; the only people who read the last one we paid, bribed, and threatened. I think he got about 50 pageviews, total?
- Once had an internet journal that amassed 50 readers
- Once won an award for writing his sister's homework

- Was once associated with indie publisher, Igloo House
- Is in the process of finding a paid outlet for his breed of awesomeness
- Will probably write for Novel Niche, some day. Eventually. Maybe. He's been reading the same book since at least May