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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

November 2011

* 11/15/11 -- Haven't gotten any headway with the NANO-ing. I've been fatigued since early October, AND I've had a flu since the 10th. I'm considering writing a new poetry project, possibly titled "Streetlights in the Parking Lots of Hell"; it's a misheard lyric from the Mountain Goat's "Old College Try" -- his version is SEARCHLIGHTS. For some reason, that line's been the most memorable to me.

I'm in need of 2 mindfulness books, possibly some body language dictionaries. I NEED MOAR BOOKS. My sister bought me pens, pencils, and letter paper; she was kind of disappointed when she came over today, and saw my endless collection of pens/pencils in cups. "I watch Hoarders a lot; I knoooooow what these people are like. You KNOW we'll be throwing stuff out -- especially if I find anything gross."

My sister came over with my mom, to clean my place. Dude, I really let this place go to shit.

I'm on a new antidepressant -- Wellbutrin -- which has had a rough start, due to ralphing most of my samples back up. So far, I'm good for about 5 hours -- then, I start wanting to cry like a big moose with bitchtits.

* 11/16/11 -- Started a new ebook project: Streetlights in the Parking Lots of Hell. I also sang an ENTIRE ALBUM's worth of crappy songs, for Cherish's upcoming 24th birthday (Dec 19). A sample promo. The worst thing is that this is the best recording, post-24 tracks.