* Bill burned out his letter-writing drive.
* Still no stories, but he is drafting ideas for a comic -- Raise a Little Hell, a futuristic political dealio. A lady named Karla Pearce, who owns an art store in town, made a suggestion for an artist.
* Bill plans to build shelves all over his apartment, and do a lot of canning.. you know, just in case this 2012 bullshit has some basis. Dental floss, paper.. he's stocking up. Oh, paranoia; why did Bill's biggest delusion happen to be one of the more popular in culture?
* Bill went on a roadtrip with his Mom & sister. In every small town, he spotted Freemason & Jehovah's Witness buildings. Also, he found out that "Doukhobor" is not a last name, but actually a Russian relgion popular in smalltown BC. So.. that explains what "Doukhobor Borscht" is. Here I thought it was a feuding clan of people in smalltown BC, hiding a special recipe.